Valid during Corona virus pandemic
Visiting rules at the premises of KONTAKT-Elektro
Rules about occasional visits
- Visits are only allowed upon scheduled appointment provided by the host and written confirmation of the host.
- At arrival you may only enter the building through the reception.
- Visitors must fill a Visitors Statement at the reception, failing to do so entrance will not be granted.
- Visitors must wait for the host at the reception. After filling and submitting the Visitors Statement, the host will escort the visitor to the building then back to the reception at the end of the visit.
- Admission to the depot of KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd. is only allowed upon the written permission of the managing director outside the reception area, the meeting room on the ground floor, the small meeting room on the first floor and the lavatories to these rooms. Permission of the managing director can be requested initially through the contact person.
- Handshakes and physical contact must be avoided.
- After using the lavatories, washing of hands with the antiseptic provided in the rest rooms is mandatory.
- Paper tools (documents, cash etc.) must be avoided.
Regulations about regular visits (goods transmission, services etc.)
- Arrival at the premises: In case of commercial goods transmission please wait outside the door of the goods issue located on the northern side of the main building upon arrival, please signal your arrival by ringing. Our colleagues will hand over the receipt/delivery notes/invoices of the ordered products and will give you further information about the transmission of goods and further steps. Entrance to other parts of the building is strictly forbidden! After receiving the receipt of the products, the physical transmission of goods occurs in front of the warehouse. In other cases (other delivery, services etc.) entrance to the building is only possible through reception. Entrance to the premises and other parts of the building is strictly forbidden! Food delivery may not enter the building! Delivery of food may only occur outside in the yard. The person placing the order may inform the delivery person of the rule. Payment in cash is not possible, only prepayment by card is acceptable.
- Payment in cash is intermitted, so we suggest our partners to use electronic payment options.
- Handshakes and any other physical contact must be avoided.
- Use of the lavatories has to be granted. After using the lavatories, washing of hands with the antiseptic provided in the rest rooms is mandatory.
Pécs, 1st September 2020
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Expansion of production capacity at KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd.
On 6th February, 2017, KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd submitted a tender for the proposal for the expansion of production of small and medium size enterprises under the code of GINOP-1.2.1-16 part of the Economic Development and Innovational Operative Program. The Ministry of National Economy as the Supporter has supported the tender with 94,628,184 HUF non-refundable subsidy, it sent the support letter to our company on 22 December 2017. KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd as the winner of the tender GINOP-1.2.1-16-2017-00523 has spent 94,628,184 HUF for the acquisition of tools.
Basic details of the project:
Name of beneficiary: KONTAKT – Elektro Industrial and commercial Ltd.
Title of project: “Expansion of production capacity at KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd.”
Project identification: GINOP-1.2.1-16-2017-00523
Source: ERFA
Project execution location: H-7630 Pécs, Mohácsi út 79, lot number: 41481
Budget of project: 189,256,369 HUF
Received support: 94,628,184 HUF
Imtensity of support: 50%
Project execution time: 12.04.2017 – 02.04.2019
Short introduction of project:
The most important element of the project is the acquisition of the laser work center, which can replace the previously used manual power and mechanical tools (e.g.: flex). With the laser machine, the development software was also purchased, which improves the automation of work processes.
Due to the laser work center, the extension of the hall was necessary in order to expand the production area, as well as by building the new building which the 4 earlier warehouses could be integrated into 1. For the economical operation of the laser machine, a 35 kW powered solar system has been installed. Furthermore, the company has purchased the following tools which indirectly or directly support the production: 2 pcs welding table, 1 pc cable-reel arrangement, 1 pc cable reel holder, 1 pc barrow, 1 pc forklift, 2 pcs mechanic table, shelf systems.
The improvement of the company, as well as the expansion of the company management system functions made it inevitable for the company to purchase higher capacity servers and connecting software, as well as 3 pcs higher performance laptops and 1 pc copy machine.
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DDOP-1.1.1/D -2009-006 tender
The project of DDOP-1.1.1/D -2009-006 was sponsored by the European Union and New Hungary Development Plan Premise Improvement Operative Program of South Dunántúl.
Project: Construction of a production hall on the premises of KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd, creating the conditions for the production of high tech energetic tools.
Description (general description, technical data): In this project KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd in the mixed utilization of Pécs – residential and industrial area – builds a 1033 m2, multiple-story hall in its partially possessed premises (regulation identification Gksz- 711763). The area is ranked brown. In the hall, the company will first prepare the conditions for the production of a fuel cell power supply as a new product. The development, according to the tender proposal in the preferred areas of the region, mostly belongs to the environmental industry, mechanical engineering, and electronics areas. A part of the conventional production of products will also be allocated to the new hall. With the creation of the fuel cell production base in Pécs, Baranya county, on the field of energetics this will be the highest level technology in the region.
Name and address of beneficiary: KONTAKT-ELEKTRO Ltd, H-7630 Pécs, Mohácsi út 79.
Estimated budget of project: 228,768,546 HUF
Sum of project support:100,000,000 HUF
Name and contact of responsible authority: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség, 1077 Budapest, Wesselényi u. 20-22. telephone: +36 40 638-638
Name and address of contributor organization: DDRFÜ Dél-Dunántúli Regionális Fejlesztési Ügynökség Közhasznú Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
H-7621 Pécs, Mária u. 3.
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GOP-1.1.1-09/1-2010-0033 tender
Project GOP-1.1.1-09/1-2010-0033 was sponsored by the European Union, New Hungary Development Plan Operative Program of Economic Improvement, market oriented improvement activity.
Project: Improvement of electrochemical stack of hydrogen powered fuel cell based on the results of preliminary research and the experimental development, production of a prototype for preparation of domestic production
Description (general description, technical data): The project is an applied research using the results of the preliminary research for production of double-metal, Pt based positive pole electro-catalyst, as well as the production of fuel cell stack using the catalyst created in the production process of the research.
As a result of the above mentioned research, we have the opportunity to create catalyst with longer lifespan, which is the base of the domestic fuel cell production.
Name and contact of beneficiary: KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd. H-7630 Pécs, Mohácsi út 79.
Estimated budget of project: 160,416,501 HUF
Sum of project support: 119,551,552 HUF
Name and contact of responsible authority: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség, H-1077 Budapest, Wesselényi u. 20-22., telephone: +3640638638
Name and address of contributor organization: MAG – Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt, H-1139 Budapest, Váci út 83.
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Sailing with hydrogen!
Silent duty, highly effective, increased range and economic performance are the features of the Hungarian developed, hydrogen powered, electric ship made by KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd. introduced on Balaton Boat Show.
The engine is powered by electricity produced by the electrochemical burning of hydrogen, and the only byproduct is clear water.
On the lake beside our factory hall, our hydrogen powered electric boat is being tested.
Introduction: 4-6 September, 2020, Balatonkenese
Balaton Boat Show
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The hydrogen-powered ship developed by Hungarians made its debut in Balatonkenese
September 4th 6:01 pm.
The first Hungarian developed hydrogen-powered fuel cell ship was introduced in Balatonkenese at a conference organized by Balaton Boat Show event on Friday. At the event organized by the National Hydrogen-technological platform, the head of committee stated that the future of transportation lies within the hydrogen-powered fuel cells, be it ships, cars, buses, or trains.
According to information provided by István Lepsényi currently there are about 200 electric ships on Lake Balaton, but in the ships of the newest technology electric power is not provided by batteries, but hydrogen fuel cells. He also added that electric vehicles are important to maintain the cleanliness of the lake, and from among these options hydrogen fuel cell solution is the most effective with the longest range.
In case of battery-based electric ships the batteries do not last for very long — for about half an hour or forty-five minutes —, which is barely enough to traverse the lake. The range of a ship powered by hydrogen fuel cell is around 80 kilometers, he added. As he previously stated, the only problem is that there are not any hydrogen stations for refill in Hungary yet. These can be found in Austria and Germany, but according to István Lepsényi vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cell will really raise interest among companies dealing with fuel.
He emphasized that hydrogen is a useful tool for creating a cleaner environment we can live in in the future. Based on his opinion accumulators are not practical from an environmental point of view, by recharging electricity is usually generated by burning fossils. In this case, no matter somebody uses electric vehicle, carbon-monoxide is still produced, only not at the vehicle, but somewhere else. However, hydrogen can perfectly replace fossil based energy sources, furthermore with the launch of Paks II in Hungary, there will be enough hydrogen without producing carbon-monoxide, stated István Lepsényi.
According to the reports made by the producer Kontakt-Elektro Ltd of Pécs, the ship presented in Balatonkenese is 950 kilograms in weight, 6.2 meters long, 2.1 meters wide and its draught is 0.5 meters, 7+1 person can be transported on board at a maximum speed of 22 kilometers per hour. The capacity of the fuel cell is 15 kilowatts, its lifespan is about twenty thousand working hours. The ship can store 2.88 kilograms of hydrogen which produces 46 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Using that on full power, the ship can travel 66 kilometers in about 3 hours, but by decreasing the performance the distance can be increased.
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Agricultural sanitation technologies
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at arcu quis orci commodo viverra. Nulla et dui ultrices, interdum enim et, iaculis ante. Fusce vitae sodales lacus, eu posuere erat. Curabitur eu mauris ullamcorper, interdum dui ac, dapibus nibh. Morbi dapibus fermentum elit vel pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque enim lorem, dictum et interdum a, lacinia nec magna. Pellentesque laoreet nulla vitae velit feugiat consequat eu a est. Maecenas fringilla nulla non libero ultricies consequat. Nunc tortor turpis, volutpat a ante quis, vulputate semper ligula. Vivamus eu tempor dui, vitae fermentum purus. Nunc consectetur scelerisque sem, non facilisis tortor pulvinar et. Duis lectus felis, viverra vel congue sit amet, tempor at urna.
Cras finibus magna nec ultrices sagittis. Fusce nulla neque, malesuada a tincidunt vel, volutpat a leo. Vestibulum neque elit, ultricies id odio id, malesuada dictum lacus. Vivamus ultricies, leo et rutrum volutpat, ipsum nulla faucibus lorem, ut lobortis turpis nisi non ante. Cras ut lacus nec purus vestibulum finibus. Aenean tempus efficitur nunc. Sed odio quam, commodo a nisl et, efficitur consequat mi. Mauris tincidunt neque sem, ut consequat neque dapibus at. Fusce euismod erat sapien, ac tempor leo pulvinar eget. Vestibulum tincidunt nibh est, sed fringilla velit condimentum placerat. Aliquam condimentum sapien nisi, eu imperdiet nulla rhoncus eget. Morbi ullamcorper odio nec nisi placerat, at fringilla libero blandit. Vivamus a ornare urna, sit amet condimentum nibh. Suspendisse mattis ut lectus nec vestibulum.
Automobile technologies
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at arcu quis orci commodo viverra. Nulla et dui ultrices, interdum enim et, iaculis ante. Fusce vitae sodales lacus, eu posuere erat. Curabitur eu mauris ullamcorper, interdum dui ac, dapibus nibh. Morbi dapibus fermentum elit vel pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque enim lorem, dictum et interdum a, lacinia nec magna. Pellentesque laoreet nulla vitae velit feugiat consequat eu a est. Maecenas fringilla nulla non libero ultricies consequat. Nunc tortor turpis, volutpat a ante quis, vulputate semper ligula. Vivamus eu tempor dui, vitae fermentum purus. Nunc consectetur scelerisque sem, non facilisis tortor pulvinar et. Duis lectus felis, viverra vel congue sit amet, tempor at urna.
Cras finibus magna nec ultrices sagittis. Fusce nulla neque, malesuada a tincidunt vel, volutpat a leo. Vestibulum neque elit, ultricies id odio id, malesuada dictum lacus. Vivamus ultricies, leo et rutrum volutpat, ipsum nulla faucibus lorem, ut lobortis turpis nisi non ante. Cras ut lacus nec purus vestibulum finibus. Aenean tempus efficitur nunc. Sed odio quam, commodo a nisl et, efficitur consequat mi. Mauris tincidunt neque sem, ut consequat neque dapibus at. Fusce euismod erat sapien, ac tempor leo pulvinar eget. Vestibulum tincidunt nibh est, sed fringilla velit condimentum placerat. Aliquam condimentum sapien nisi, eu imperdiet nulla rhoncus eget. Morbi ullamcorper odio nec nisi placerat, at fringilla libero blandit. Vivamus a ornare urna, sit amet condimentum nibh. Suspendisse mattis ut lectus nec vestibulum.
Intralogistics technologies
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at arcu quis orci commodo viverra. Nulla et dui ultrices, interdum enim et, iaculis ante. Fusce vitae sodales lacus, eu posuere erat. Curabitur eu mauris ullamcorper, interdum dui ac, dapibus nibh. Morbi dapibus fermentum elit vel pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque enim lorem, dictum et interdum a, lacinia nec magna. Pellentesque laoreet nulla vitae velit feugiat consequat eu a est. Maecenas fringilla nulla non libero ultricies consequat. Nunc tortor turpis, volutpat a ante quis, vulputate semper ligula. Vivamus eu tempor dui, vitae fermentum purus. Nunc consectetur scelerisque sem, non facilisis tortor pulvinar et. Duis lectus felis, viverra vel congue sit amet, tempor at urna.
Cras finibus magna nec ultrices sagittis. Fusce nulla neque, malesuada a tincidunt vel, volutpat a leo. Vestibulum neque elit, ultricies id odio id, malesuada dictum lacus. Vivamus ultricies, leo et rutrum volutpat, ipsum nulla faucibus lorem, ut lobortis turpis nisi non ante. Cras ut lacus nec purus vestibulum finibus. Aenean tempus efficitur nunc. Sed odio quam, commodo a nisl et, efficitur consequat mi. Mauris tincidunt neque sem, ut consequat neque dapibus at. Fusce euismod erat sapien, ac tempor leo pulvinar eget. Vestibulum tincidunt nibh est, sed fringilla velit condimentum placerat. Aliquam condimentum sapien nisi, eu imperdiet nulla rhoncus eget. Morbi ullamcorper odio nec nisi placerat, at fringilla libero blandit. Vivamus a ornare urna, sit amet condimentum nibh. Suspendisse mattis ut lectus nec vestibulum.
Hydrogen fuel cell application
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam at arcu quis orci commodo viverra. Nulla et dui ultrices, interdum enim et, iaculis ante. Fusce vitae sodales lacus, eu posuere erat. Curabitur eu mauris ullamcorper, interdum dui ac, dapibus nibh. Morbi dapibus fermentum elit vel pretium. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Pellentesque enim lorem, dictum et interdum a, lacinia nec magna. Pellentesque laoreet nulla vitae velit feugiat consequat eu a est. Maecenas fringilla nulla non libero ultricies consequat. Nunc tortor turpis, volutpat a ante quis, vulputate semper ligula. Vivamus eu tempor dui, vitae fermentum purus. Nunc consectetur scelerisque sem, non facilisis tortor pulvinar et. Duis lectus felis, viverra vel congue sit amet, tempor at urna.
Cras finibus magna nec ultrices sagittis. Fusce nulla neque, malesuada a tincidunt vel, volutpat a leo. Vestibulum neque elit, ultricies id odio id, malesuada dictum lacus. Vivamus ultricies, leo et rutrum volutpat, ipsum nulla faucibus lorem, ut lobortis turpis nisi non ante. Cras ut lacus nec purus vestibulum finibus. Aenean tempus efficitur nunc. Sed odio quam, commodo a nisl et, efficitur consequat mi. Mauris tincidunt neque sem, ut consequat neque dapibus at. Fusce euismod erat sapien, ac tempor leo pulvinar eget. Vestibulum tincidunt nibh est, sed fringilla velit condimentum placerat. Aliquam condimentum sapien nisi, eu imperdiet nulla rhoncus eget. Morbi ullamcorper odio nec nisi placerat, at fringilla libero blandit. Vivamus a ornare urna, sit amet condimentum nibh. Suspendisse mattis ut lectus nec vestibulum.