GOP-1.1.1-09/1-2010-0033 tender
Project GOP-1.1.1-09/1-2010-0033 was sponsored by the European Union, New Hungary Development Plan Operative Program of Economic Improvement, market oriented improvement activity.
Project: Improvement of electrochemical stack of hydrogen powered fuel cell based on the results of preliminary research and the experimental development, production of a prototype for preparation of domestic production
Description (general description, technical data): The project is an applied research using the results of the preliminary research for production of double-metal, Pt based positive pole electro-catalyst, as well as the production of fuel cell stack using the catalyst created in the production process of the research.
As a result of the above mentioned research, we have the opportunity to create catalyst with longer lifespan, which is the base of the domestic fuel cell production.
Name and contact of beneficiary: KONTAKT-Elektro Ltd. H-7630 Pécs, Mohácsi út 79.
Estimated budget of project: 160,416,501 HUF
Sum of project support: 119,551,552 HUF
Name and contact of responsible authority: Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség, H-1077 Budapest, Wesselényi u. 20-22., telephone: +3640638638
Name and address of contributor organization: MAG – Magyar Gazdaságfejlesztési Központ Zrt, H-1139 Budapest, Váci út 83.
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